This roller coaster is exhilarating. The deepest valleys help create the greatest peaks. The greatest peaks help create the steepest banks. The steepest banks help create the fastest speeds. The fastest speeds help create the loop the loops, the upside downs, the big swings, and the big drops.
Some say we came here for this. Some say we came to experience every perfect section of this perfect ride. Some say we are meant to master it. Some say we have already.
Some say this is a metaphor for our range and experience with emotion. Some say the better understanding we have of our own emotions, the higher our own emotional intelligence. Some say just like our mental and physical health, we must take serious our emotional health.
Some say that we as a species, in this particular time, now know enough about the mental, physical, and emotional. Some say the spiritual must be next.
Some say it’s been already next and we already on to the cosmic consciousness collective level of awareness. Some say we come from the 12th dimension. Some say we are re-connecting to it not only spiritually, but emotionally, physically, and mentally as well. What do you say?