A lot of books talk about mirrors. How our external reality is a reflection of our internal reality. There is a cycle that we can analyze. We see the mirror, assess it, and then have a feeling about it. We see the estimate of a car repair, we check our bank balance, then frustration occurs. Or, we stand on a scale, realize we’re 15 lbs heavier than last year, then frustration again.
This is where we then take action. We can’t change the mirror, so we make sure there’s emergency money in the bank, adopt a new healthier lifestyle, etc. We are making adjustments according to the info in the mirror. This is our natural understanding of it and how we go about our daily business.
Let’s label it up like this. See the mirror – have thoughts, react to the mirror – have feelings, attempt to change the image in the mirror – take action. Ready, aim , fire.
The real change is to switch up the cycle. Have the feeling first, take action, then have the thought. This is proactive rather than reactive. Aim, fire, ready. This is why there are so many books on being in this now moment, focus, habits, affirmations, etc. It is about micro managing and optimizing what you are feeling at all times.
If you really start “feeling” as a healthy person would (even though you are not yet), you start “being” that person and adopt the lifestyle. This makes real change stick. It is an identity shift. Actions of eating better and exercise begin to occur naturally. Over time you notice it.
Rather than you adjusting to the reflection of the mirror as before, the reflection of the mirror has now adjusted to you. The only thought therefore is gratitude and eagerness for more.
We cannot win a war against reality, we can only create a new reality.