I was going to write a how to article about how to write a how to article. I thought it would be funny but turns out not really funny at all. Super annoyed myself with this idea right now actually.
Now that I’m “a blogger”, I can’t help but look at other blogs and I’m finding out most blogs are about how to make a blog.
The truth is “how to” is the number one most searched thing on the internet. No surprise there as the education we grew up with failed us. The world is ever changing and we need the concepts, the skills, and the technique to keep up. Anything we need to learn about is right here on our phone. It’s great.
So now you want to participate. You create a website. The basic idea is to find your niche and hammer on it. Loudly.
The problem is creating “how to” content because that is the way to get views. And the views will lead to sales. This is true and definitely go after your money. We need to make a living. But if you are “how to-ing” only for views, then you are just adding to the pollution of the internet.
You need to bring value. Your value has to be original. You might say nothing is original anymore but I would argue that no 2 people have an identical life experience. Bring your victories, your defeats, your long and short stories and maybe we can make the internet a better place.